Featured Speaker: Keyaan Williams

Keyaan Williams web 2 150x150 - Featured Speaker: Keyaan Williams

Keyaan J. Williams is the Founder and Managing Director of CLASS-LLC, a professional services firm that specializes in corporate governance, enterprise risk, and cybersecurity program management for global customers. Prior to CLASS-LLC, he managed large security programs at the CDC. A founding member of the Private Directors Association Atlanta Chapter, he currently serves as the chair of the risk committee for a global non-profit and as a strategic advisor for other start-up and early-stage organizations. In addition to public speaking, his knowledge is documented in numerous books and publications such as the Certified CISO Body of Knowledge, The Language of Cybersecurity, Using Security Metrics to Drive Action, CISO Magazine, the ISSA Journal, and the Crisis Response Journal.

Abstract: The Board Perspective on Cybersecurity Risk

Corporate governance and corporate management are two sides of the same coin” (Dayton, 2008). The board level conversation must move from bits, bytes, and bad metrics to more business-oriented data that is contextual, meaningful, and allows the board to make critical risk management decisions.

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