2015Atlanta - Global CISO Forum Atlanta

Global CISO Forum 2016

Training: September 13th-16th

Conference: September 17th & 18th

This year’s Global CISO Forum theme is “CISO Doctor Bag: From First Aid to Vaccinations.” Keynotes and panels will discuss the topic of the Cyber Threat Pandemic and the skills, tools, and experience CISOs need to keep their organizations secure.[/special_text]

EC-Council’s Global CISO Forum is an invite-only, closed-door event gathering the highest level executives from across industries and countries to discuss the most pressing issues in information security. Now in its fourth year, the 2015 GCF promises to be the best yet with an exciting mix of industries, formats, and interactive presentations.

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[krth_services open_link=”true” service_image=”15738″ service_image_link=”https://ciso.eccouncil.org/agenda-atlanta-2015/” service_title=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fhttps://ciso.eccouncil.org/%2Fagenda-atlanta-2015%2F||target:%20_blank|”] [/krth_services]
[krth_services open_link=”true” service_image=”15730″ service_image_link=”https://ciso.eccouncil.org/venue-atlanta-2015/” service_title=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fhttps://ciso.eccouncil.org/%2Fvenue-atlanta-2015%2F||target:%20_blank|”] [/krth_services]
[krth_services open_link=”true” service_image=”15729″ service_image_link=”https://ciso.eccouncil.org/awards-atlanta-2015/” service_title=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fhttps://ciso.eccouncil.org/%2Fawards-atlanta-2015%2F||target:%20_blank|”] [/krth_services]
[krth_services open_link=”true” service_image=”15732″ service_image_link=”https://ciso.eccouncil.org/speakers-atlanta-2015/” service_title=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fhttps://ciso.eccouncil.org/%2Fspeakers-atlanta-2015%2F||target:%20_blank|”] [/krth_services]
[krth_services open_link=”true” service_image=”15734″ service_image_link=”https://ciso.eccouncil.org/forum-sponsorship-atlanta-2015/” service_title=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fhttps://ciso.eccouncil.org/%2Fciso-events%2Fglobal-ciso-forum-atlanta-2016%2Fsponsorship-atlanta-2016%2F||target:%20_blank|”] [/krth_services]
[krth_services open_link=”true” service_image=”15736″ service_image_link=”https://ciso.eccouncil.org/training-atlanta-2015/” service_title=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fhttps://ciso.eccouncil.org/%2Ftraining-atlanta-2015%2F||target:%20_blank|”] [/krth_services]


Tag slide 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
Greatbay slide 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
CT Slide 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
Dell slider 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
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Saint slide 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
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ISSA slide 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
Infragard slide 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
cybersecuritymag slide 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
CBI slide 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
solutionary slide 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
savenet slide 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
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checkpoint slide 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
imperva slide 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
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datapath slider 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
SCmag slide 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
CDG slide 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
hype slide 1170x150 - Global CISO Forum Atlanta
[krth_ctas][krth_cta content_width=”60%”]

Registrations will only be accepted from Director-level or above information security practitioners. All registrations are subject to approval and will be rejected if this requirement is not met.

[/krth_cta][krth_button button_size=”btn-large” button_text=”Register Here!” button_link=”https://www.rsvpbook.com/event.php?519871″ open_link=”true” simple_hover=”” text_color=”#ffffff” text_hover_color=”#ffffff” css=”.vc_custom_1489183680778{margin-top: 30px !important;}”][/krth_ctas]