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Ed Adams cciso 150x150 - Ed Adams

[H4]Ed Adams[/H4]

Mr. Adams is a software executive with over 20 years of leadership experience in various-sized organizations that serve the IT security and software quality assurance industries. He is a Ponemon Institute Fellow and sits on the board of the National Association of Information Security Groups (NAISG), and the International Secure Software Engineering Council (ISSECO). In February of 2014,

Mr. Adams was named a Privacy by Design Ambassador, which is a group of privacy thought-leaders committed to ensuring the ongoing protection of personal information. No stranger to the podium, he has presented to thousands at numerous industry events and has contributed expert commentary and interviews with CNN, CSO Magazine, SC Magazine, CIO Update, Investor’s Business Daily, CFO Magazine, New England Cable News, and others.  Mr. Adams also earned his MBA degree with honors from Boston College.

[H5]Ed Adams
CEO, Security Innovations[/H5] [/highlight]