Category: CCISO Resources – Global CISO Forum Podcast & CCISO Whitepapers | EC-Council- C|CISO Program

Building Competent CISOs through the Certified Chief Information Security Officer Program

blog cover 22 - Building Competent CISOs through the Certified Chief Information Security Officer Program

The Certified CISO (CCISO) Program is an exclusive program designed to produce top-level information security leaders by focusing on both technical skills and information-security management strategies in accordance to the executive management’s goals. CCISO arms information security executives with the right weapons to prevent potential cyber-attacks from arising and harming an organization. To become a CISO, one must have the technical knowledge and must incorporate certain skills such as establishing

Global CISO Forum Podcast with Aamir Lakhani

GCF Podcast wGuest Aamir Lakhani - Global CISO Forum Podcast with Aamir Lakhani

In this Podcast: Host Amber Pedroncelli sits down with Aamir Lakhani to discuss this year’s Hacker Halted website Aamir Lakhani is a leading security architect and runs the popular security blog Dr. Chaos at He is responsible to provide IT security solutions to major commercial and federal enterprise organizations. Lakhani has designed offensive counter defense measures for defense and intelligence agencies, and has assisted organizations in defending themselves from

Global CISO Forum Podcast Awards Series 2018: Zach Mitcham

Awards ZachM 1 - Global CISO Forum Podcast Awards Series 2018: Zach Mitcham

In this Podcast: Welcome to the second series of the Global CISO Forum Podcast honoring the EC-Council CISO Awards Finalists! In the coming weeks leading up to the awards, we will be interviewing the best and brightest in infosec who have been named finalists in these categories: CISO of the Year, Certified CISO of the Year, Presidential Award, and Most Promising New CISO. Listen Download this Podcast

Global CISO Forum Podcast with Anthony Dupree, CISO of CareerBuilder

GCF Podcast wAnthony Dupree - Global CISO Forum Podcast with Anthony Dupree, CISO of CareerBuilder

In this Podcast: What will hackers use AI for? This Global CISO Forum Podcast episode features Anthony Dupree who is a top innovator in cybersecurity with a career spanning more than two decades. Dupree oversees infrastructure, development opportunities, cloud and security to ensure that CareerBuilder clients and users are protected in a safe ecosystem. And he is responsible for directing CareerBuilder’s global IT and information security vision, policies and programs